What is Porn?

Posted by DereksDiscourse | Posted in , , | Posted on 3/18/2010 01:21:00 PM

"Well, we could go with the standard definition ...the graphic depiction of sex or sexual acts by one or more people captured on film for all to see" but what does that mean?

How graphic, what kind of sex, is it healthy, is it normal?

This blog will take you through a journey, which at times can and will be disturbing to some, through the world of porn, past and present.

We will examine the companies who make it, the directors and filmmakers who capture it, and those in front of the camera as well. 

Where do they come from? How do they get started? Why do they leave? and what impact does it have on society?

From the soft solos to the hardest of hardcore, what drives this industry...this phenomena we call porn